The trails have been groomed!
Vaughn reports that the trails are done! Have fun!
Vaughn reports that the trails have just been done this morning. It's a beautiful day, so enjoy your ski today!
The trails were groomed this morning and it's a lovely day. Enjoy the weather!
Hello ski enthusiasts! The trails were groomed last night. Enjoy the season!
Vaughn reports that the trails were done late this afternoon and are in great shape!
The trails have been re-groomed this afternoon, so get out and enjoy the moderate temperatures!
Vaughn reports that the blow-downs have all been cut and that the trail has been groomed! The track is set, so get out and enjoy!
The trails have already been groomed this morning so get on out and enjoy our new snow!
The snow machine that we use for grooming the ski trails was in for repairs, but Vaughn reported today that it is now fixed and the trails were groomed this afternoon.
The trails were groomed again this afternoon and are offering up some great skiing!
Vaughn reports that the trails were groomed this morning and are in good condition for skiing. Enjoy!
We have lots of snow now! Vaughn reported that the trails were groomed today and are in great shape. Get out and enjoy!
Conrad reports that he was out grooming the trails this afternoon and they are in good shape! Embrace winter and get out and enjoy!
A few more trees have been cleared away and the trails were groomed. Enjoy the winter!
Vaughn reports that all blow-downs have been cut on the Blue Trail, as well as Acadian Timber's Road, which is also excellent for skiing. The trails are ready to go, bring on the snow! Our grateful thanks to Carol, Conrad, Vaughn, and Roger for all their hard work!
Work has begun on the clearing of the trail for the upcoming ski season. We are also looking for a volunteer to groom our trails using the track setter. If anyone is interested, please contact anyone listed in our Contact Us list.
Lynn reports that he made an attempt to set a track today; he went over the Acadian Timber road and it is good all the way but could not go elsewhere as the tracker was hitting hard in places. We need some more snow. You can still ski, so check it out!
Conrad reports that the Blue trail is now open for skiing as he and Carol have finally finished clearing away all of the downed trees. He said there were a large number of them this year. Enough that it took them three trips!
A big thank you to Con and Carol for all their hard work on our behalf. It’s a lovely day today, so get out and enjoy!
Lynn reports that the trails were groomed at 10:00 this morning and are ready to go! Enjoy the weather and the outdoors!
Blow-downs have been cut and the trails groomed. The trails are really great right now so get out and enjoy the sunshine!
It's a beautiful morning and the trails have just been groomed. Take a little time and enjoy!
Lynn reports that the trails were groomed this morning. Get out and enjoy!
The snowmobile is fixed and the Blue Trail was groomed yesterday and is in wonderful shape, so get out and enjoy!
Lynn reports that he will not be able to groom the trails for a little while as the ski-doo has broken down. He will report back when he is able to resume operations. Thank you for your patience.
Lynn reports that the trails were groomed this morning.
Trails were groomed at noon today, so take advantage of the great weather!
Lynn Reed reports that the Blue & Red trails were groomed this afternoon by 1:30 and the skiing is excellent. One of our members was out mid afternoon today and reported that it was great skiing!
The Blue and Red trails have been groomed today. There is some drifting that may have impacted them a bit this afternoon, but we were in good shape at noon so get out there & enjoy before this crazy weather hits us again!
As of 10:00 this morning, the ski trail is packed solid, so we are unable to set a track and it would be very icy to try to ski on. We will need a few inches of snow before the situation improves. We will post an update when skiing can resume.
Preparations have begun for the new skiing season! Lynn reports that he has cut out about 15 blowdowns from the Blue Trail. It was mostly small stuff and is now clear.